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Saturday, October 23, 2010



by Lana Fore-Warkocz on Tuesday, October 19, 2010 at 11:45am
I thank God daily for the friends and co-workers that surround me.  Their insights and their thought processes never cease to amaze me.  I am sharing this "note" from my dear friend, Leah (of course with her permission:)  This was a thread in a long series of emails going back and forth on Operation Avalanche...It was about the current polling that doesn't make any sense.
Thanks, Leah....I couldn't have said it better myself............

I know you are all trying to sound very smart and annalytical about this...cowards.

The reality is that Tancredo does have the establishment GOP support. He has their money, he has their email lists, he has them ignoring party by-laws by backing an ACP candidate, and he has the most foul Alinskite loud mouth fools heckling in his favor. The GOP may not have sent him to begin with, but they are behind him now. This all in reaction to Maes winning at the Assembly and the GOP looking at the very real possibility of the PEOPLE of Colorado retaking control of their party.

Tancredo's record is only a couple votes shy of being a democrat, he is a Republican, but the most foul kind, a racists kind who neither understand free markets, personal ethics, or government of the PEOPLE. The only way he has come this far is by cheating. Over half of his money is coming from out of state, the ACP has only one viable candidate, and their national members are funding TT.  It looks like enough people are buying that he is viable, and the GOP favor peddlers, and money lenders have made sure that has happened. It is completely disgusting.  What are Tancredo's principles? He has two things that distinguish him from Hick; that he wants to legalize all drugs, and put a moritorium on all immigration.

As someone who lives by conservative principles no matter what the projected outcome I will not vote Tancredo. He has taken money for 10 years, from the lowest of the low, Planned Parenthood of Michigan Founder Dr. Tanton, and his PAC that pushes for eugenics and racial purity. As far as I am concerned that is blood money and TT is covered in it. I would rather see the entire GOP fall than see it be propped up with more progressives with R's or, in this case ACP, then R, after their name.

I will vote Maes with a clean conscience, and if he wins then it will be a small victory for the PEOPLE. With a Hickenlooper win we know the monster we are fighting, and we have the high ground. With a Tancredo we will be told to sit down and shut up, and watch in frustration as he betrays us and our principles again and again, the way he has always done in the past, and votes rules by his own warped standards.

And for those of you GOPers who have pulled your support for Maes in trade for positions and support from the GOP machine you disgust me, and may you reap what you have sown.

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