Urgent Update - Save Terry Lakin, Save the Constitution!
The Obama cover-up is in full swing, and unless you help him today, a brave patriot, and yes quite possibly our entire way of life will be railroaded by the anti-freedom forces presently cementing their control over every aspect of our lives. Friends, as I write this, LTC Lakin's family shared what could be their last Thanksgiving supper together for years. While we prepare our turkeys and remove our Christmas decorations from storage, the atmosphere at LTC Lakin's house is one that is painful to contemplate. This honorable military professional and his courageous wife are putting on brave faces and smiles for their three small children, knowing that this may be the last holiday they share as a family for God knows how long. In just a matter of days, LTC Lakin will face the politically driven Court Martial and smear job against him, designed not to seek justice, but to protect the Imposter in Chief. If convicted, LTC Lakin could be sent directly to the military prison at Ft. Leavenworth, and heaven alone knows when his children may ever know another Christmas with Daddy. The slavish Obama media lapdogs have stifled this story in an effort to further protect the usurper now sitting in the oval office. Legal case after legal case challenging Obama has been suppressed and dismissed on procedural grounds -- never on the merits. None of Obama's records are public. The American people now need to know how this brave Army officer has risked everything; his career, his liberty and his family to protect our ordered liberty and uphold the Constitution. The public needs to know the truth about Obama's birth certificate! |
So today I need a sacrificial gift from you to enable Declaration Alliance to fearlessly sound the clarion call and rally the American people to LTC Lakin's side as he battles in the courtroom in defense of our beloved nation. Without the Constitution, we are not America, and all our institutions of freedom and law are imperiled.
We must quickly mobilize public opinion. We can gain LTC Lakin the support he deserves by producing a public relations campaign and national outcry that reaches millions of your fellow citizens with this critical information. We may bring legal action ourselves. All of these efforts will be expensive. But I know you will agree, FREEDOM IS WORTH THE COST!
A gift of $125 or perhaps even $250 or $500 will help deliver the truth to households all across America. The fact is, unless we get out word about LTC Lakin's plight, an honorable and heroic military man, standing in the gap for you and me in the cause of liberty will be destroyed and the Constitution trampled.
I know you cherish freedom as much as I do, so please send in your best possible gift today.
Keep Faith,
Ambassador Alan Keyes
If you prefer to donate by check, please mail to:
Declaration Alliance
National Processing Center
PO Box 131728
Houston, TX 77219-1728