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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Where Is The Outrage Now?

Where Is The Outrage Now?

by Dan Maes on Saturday, October 30, 2010 at 12:31pm
 I remember that first TEA Party on the West Steps 2009.  One person arrived with a sign, then another.  Then groups arrived, and then more.  The famous picture of 7,000 TEA Partiers adorned our first campaign flier and I was proud to be part of it.  I met the 9.12 Project there and a light went on in my mind and heart that their philosophy was the content of what had been spinning through my mind as I tried to formulate my own campaign message.  The Tea Party was about Taxed Enough Already but the 9.12 placed that one additional aspect into the political mix which I identified as Christian values; the very same values that formed the foundation our founding documents.

The aspects of the failure of many, but certainly not all, recently elected Rs that had us in an uproar where R's that voted for TARP and other tax increases.  TARP seemed to be the spark that lit the TP movement.  A return to our basis conservative principles also seemed to be the rallying cry. Lower taxes, smaller government, and for some a return to socially conservative values of which some were indifferent about were the desire of the heart and mind.  One can not ignore the desire to return to a strong constitutional government federally with the hope of state leaders also standing strong for states rights.  "Vote them all out" was a rally cry that was certainly targeted at career politicians, especially those who had lost touch with the people.

It became obvious to me as a candidate that you were not going to tolerate candidates who didn't show up and, when they did,  who pandered to audiences based on their philosophical leanings.  You wanted straight answers, honesty and integrity. 

Later you were advised as to what the best path to affect the Party would be. It was to change it from within.  If you really wanted to rid the system of career politicians, R's that voted more like D's when it came to TARP and other fiscal issues, you must participate in the caucus, assembly, and primary process.  Many of you even changed from U to R to accomplish the feat.  Thank you!

Eighteen months later your candidates won the primaries in most cases.  Even Clear the Bench ran off the most liberal of our Supreme Court justices, congrats Matt!  You all did everything exactly as you were supposed to.  You participated and sacrificed like Americans had never done before.  I know, I was there.  Do you remember?  I was the only candidate for Governor there in most cases.  I too rose to the challenge as issued by the GOP.  So if you and I, hundreds of thousands of grass roots activists did exactly as we were were recommended to do, fought for our candidates and they won, then why has the Governor's race evolved as it has?  Most importantly, why are some of you turning to a last minute entry in the race?  One that literally manipulated the rules to gain access and then appealed to you to forget everything you did and switch.  Where is your outrage over this manipulative act?

I am so proud of the thousands who have already and that will stand by their candidate who worked so hard, side by side with them. To those of you who have not voted and are still struggling, I ask again, where is your outrage over this act that is it happened in Europe, Asia, or any other country you would label it as corrupt?  You watched in disbelief as it happened to a conservative in NY last year.  Where is your outrage now?

I am making an appeal to those of you who stood in that cold rainy park in Greeley, to those who stood in the cool morning of the West Steps, to those who packed into meeting rooms in Centennial and Pagosa Springs, to those who wondered how they were going to get home from Civic Center Park to hold firm to your first instincts and not be baited by another career politician dressed up as an outsider when convenient but claiming to be an R or a U when needed.  You should be outraged at the events of this race and voting for the man you supported in the primary.  I ask for your vote and your support, again.

God Bless,

Dan Maes

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