Posted by Bernelle Goodwin:
This is long, but I hope that you will read all of it:
Here it is at World Net Daily:
Briefly, here is what it is about...
Dr. Art Robinson was our iCaucus endorsed candidate who ran against the Democratic incumbent Peter DeFazio, now in his 12th term, for the 4th Congressional District in Oregon. DeFazio won the general election with help from and special interests in Washington. Dr. Robinson has already announced that he will run again in 2012.
Oregon State University (OSU), a far left institution, is reported to have received $27 million in earmark funding from Peter DeFazio and his Democratic colleagues during the last legislative session. It is now payback time.
Dr. Robinson's three children, along with a professor who tried to help them, are in grave danger of losing all that they have worked for at OSU:
Democrat activist David Hamby and militant feminist and chairman of the nuclear engineering department Kathryn Higley are expelling four-year Ph.D. student Joshua Robinson from OSU at the end of the current academic quarter and turning over the prompt neutron activation analysis facility Joshua built for his thesis work and all of his work in progress to Higley's husband, Steven Reese. Joshua received the award for best Masters of Nuclear Engineering thesis at OSU.
Meanwhile, faculty member Todd Palmer notified four-year Ph.D. student Bethany Robinson (OSU grade point average 3.89) that he was terminating her thesis work and taking all of her work in progress for himself. There is more if you read the entire post by Dr. Robinson.
Matthew Robinson (OSU grade point average 3.91) passed up a $57,000 per year offer from the MIT graduate school so he could join his brother and sister at OSU two years ago. He may be in danger of being expelled too.
OSU Professor of Nuclear Engineering Jack Higginbotham, who was privy to all of the meetings and actions, warned the Robinsons and came to their defense. Professor Higginbotham, who also serves as president of the OSU Faculty Senate and director of the Oregon NASA Space Science Consortium, has been a member of the OSU faculty for 24 years. Professor Higginbotham is being attacked; nearing success is an effort to strip him of his faculty position and his research grants.
Quote from Dr. Robinson: Demonstrating unanimity with the DeFazio cause, both responsible OSU deans and the president of OSU, Edward Ray, have so far failed to halt these dishonorable and illegal actions. Ray, a supporter of DeFazio on the campus, has refused even to meet with me or my son Joshua concerning these events. Knowledgeable observers have concluded that orders for the attacks on the Robinson students are coming from sources far above Ray in the Democrat political machine.
TAKE ACTION: Go to the website ( to get contact information... Call/Email/Fax - DO IT THEN POST THIS MESSAGE AROUND!
Brief bio of Dr. Robinson:
Arthur Robinson, Ph.D., the 2010 Republican candidate for U.S. Congress in Oregon's 4th congressional district, is a research professor of chemistry and co-founder of the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. After graduating from the California Institute of Technology in 1963 and earning his Ph.D. from the University of California at San Diego, he served as a UCSD faculty member until co-founding the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine with Linus Pauling in 1973. In 1981, Dr. Robinson, his wife, chemist Laurelee Robinson, physicist Martin Kamen, and later joined by Nobel-winning biochemist R. Bruce Merrifield, cofounded the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. In recent years, Dr. Robinson has also directed the Petition Project, which has obtained the support and signatures of more than 31,000 American scientists for a petition opposed - entirely on scientific grounds published in peer reviewed journals - to the hypothesis of "human-caused global warming."
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